Carbon Credit Confidence

We2Sure’s Insured Carbon Credits offer a secure investment, protecting against fraud, counterfeiting, loss, theft, damage, and duplication. This assurance fosters trust and stability in the carbon market, encouraging more investment in vital carbon capture initiatives. It’s a strategic move towards sustainable finance.

The carbon credit market is the Wild West

Quality of Carbon Credit Certificates

Discerning the quality of Carbon Credit Certificates is challenging. Investors struggle to verify authenticity, leading to potential missteps in sustainability efforts. Quality assurance mechanisms are crucial for validating the environmental impact of these certificates.

High reputational risk

The carbon market’s integrity is paramount. Any association with substandard credits can tarnish an organization’s reputation. It’s essential to ensure that Carbon Credits are not only valid but also positively contribute to environmental goals.

Unregulated, volatile market

The carbon credit market’s unregulated nature contributes to its volatility. Without standardized oversight, the value and effectiveness of Carbon Credits remain uncertain, deterring stable investment and hindering progress in climate action initiatives.

We2Sure financially guarantees your carbon credits

Gain confidence in your net zero strategy

  •  Financially guarantee your Carbon Credit Certificates
  • Transform an intangible into a tangible global asset by insuring your Carbon Credit Certificates

Secure your journey to net zero with financially guaranteed Carbon Credit Certificates (CCCs). Insuring your CCCs transforms them from intangible promises into tangible, valuable assets. This strategic move not only underpins your net zero strategy with solid financial backing but also conveys a strong message of commitment and reliability. It’s a tangible step towards a sustainable future, offering peace of mind and fostering confidence among stakeholders. By insuring CCCs, you’re not just investing in carbon offsets; you’re investing in the planet’s future, making a clear statement that your brand stands firmly for environmental integrity.

Strengthen the bond between your brand and your green commitments

  • Report CO2 offset activity with confidence, minimising greenwashing and reputational risks
  • Strengthen internal due diligence, compliance & governance with traceable, available due diligence and real-time alerts

Elevate your brand’s eco-credentials by solidifying your green commitments. Report CO2 offset activities with assured confidence, effectively minimizing risks of greenwashing and safeguarding your reputation. Enhance your internal due diligence, compliance, and governance through traceable measures and real-time alerts. This proactive approach not only demonstrates environmental responsibility but also reinforces trust with stakeholders, setting a benchmark for transparency in sustainability practices. It’s a strategic alignment of brand values with environmental stewardship, fostering a greener corporate identity.


Our world class MRV technology

Captures the most relevant data
Evaluates the broadest set of assets
Gives you the most competitive premium